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TactiCall Dispatcher Training Software: Frequently Asked Questions

What is TactiCall?

TactiCall is a software program that uses advanced voice engine technology and proprietary word-spotting expertise to train a dispatcher directly on his or her own computer. The trainings are set up in a “role play” manner, but rather than role-playing with a supervisor or trainer, the computer takes the role of the caller. The program actually listens to how a dispatcher responds to the simulated calls and provides feedback on the dispatcher’s voice control, as well as familiarity with your agency’s protocols. In essence, TactiCall ensures that your dispatchers know what to say and how to say it.

How is TactiCall different from other training programs?

TactiCall is a one of a kind, 100% customizable dispatcher training program that allows a training dispatcher to simulate real-life calls on their computer.
Training managers can quickly create realistic training calls on any subject and deploy them within TactiCall.

Does one license cover only one dispatcher or trainee?

No, you can use a single user license to train as many dispatchers as you would like, but only one at a time.
Multi-user licenses are available for agencies who would like to train more than one at a time.

Is there a manual for TactiCall?

Yes, you may request a PDF copy by calling (800)999-0438 ext. 115 for Sean Conant (, or Tech Support, ( at ext. 127.

Is there a limit to the number of scenarios I can create within TactiCall?

No, you have the ability to create an unlimited number of scenarios.

How do you create scenarios in Tacticall?

Here’s a link to our “Creating Scenarios” tutorial which includes a video explaining how to create scenarios within TactiCall.

Do I have to record my own voice when creating scenarios?

If you are shy and do not wish to create scenarios using your own voice, TactiCall is equipped with a Text-To-Speech feature. You simply key in the dialogue in order to generate a male or female caller’s voice, and then click “Save”.

I am applying for a dispatcher job. Can I use TactiCall to train?

TactiCall is ONLY available to actual emergency response agencies or verified private dispatch companies.